Monday 6 November 2023

The Passing of Time

 Well, what do you know? I am a mother of three children and it has been 10 years since my last post. Oh my! A decade! I am most grateful to God for life, good health, and my family. A lot has happened since my last post. My father passed away on the 28th of December, 2022. It has been hard but I know that he is with God.

I will leave now and hopefully put up a meaningful post soon.


Monday 15 April 2013

A new beginning

I have not posted anything since my last post and we are now in the year, 2013. There have been so many changes in my life since then. My fiance is now my husband and we both have a son. I have grown and matured over the years and I think I am a better person. 

Unfortunately, I do not have much to talk about today but I hope to put up some new postings sometime this year. Ciao!

Friday 22 January 2010


Happy New year everyone! I have been absent from this blog site for awhile now due to chronic procrastination. It feels good to be back. The term 'procrastination' means the deferment of a task to a later time or date. Edward Young says that, procrastination is a thief of time. He is right because it just steals your time, the time you would have utilised very well. I have no reason for not posting or updating this blog but I just seem to procrastinate and postpone it. I hope that I keep on posting regularly on this blog this new year, 2010. Dear God, please give me the strength to fulfil your will and not to procrastinate anymore. I hope to keep you posted. Tara

Sunday 22 February 2009

After Valentine

I hope you all had an enjoyable valentine. I didn't have fun because I had to work that day. My fiance is in Nigeria while I am in Scotland so you can imagine how dry mine was. Some days before the valentine, I saw men buying giant bouquet of flowers and gifts for their lovers and I wondered what would happen if they didn't buy anything for them. I am not against valentine but I believe that valentine's day shouldn't only be about showering gifts on your lovers. It should also be about showing love to the less privileged, the sick, the lonely and the aged. These people also need our love and they should not be neglected. People put a lot of pressure on their lovers in the name of valentine especially women but it does not need to be that way. There are also so many other ways to spend valentine other than buying gifts. But we should always remember that some people do not have people to show love them or people to spend some time with. So, we should always remember to help people and show love to people irrespective of who they are. I am also guilty of this as I am always busy and seem not to have time to help people in need or visit the sick in the hospital. It is very important for us to create time for other people and not only for ourselves for the Lord says, 'Love your neighbours as yourselves'. Tara!

Saturday 31 January 2009

Things we fear.

I am on my bed thinking about my life and what the future has in store for me. Though I have an undergraduate degree and a postgraduate degree, I fear that I might not do anything useful with my life. I have come to realise that life is unpredictable. due to the current recession, people are losing their jobs by the minute. I have been searching for a job for sometime now but without success. I am currently studying for another postgraduate degree and hoping that with luck I will succeed in my job hunting. But one thing is for sure, I will grab any opportunity that comes my way as it might not come my way again. The most important thing is to believe in myself because I know I have the potential to succeed in life. I believe that I will definitely have a successful career and business. It is just a matter of time. Meanwhile, I have a shift as early as 7am so I need to get some sleep. Tara