Saturday 31 January 2009

Things we fear.

I am on my bed thinking about my life and what the future has in store for me. Though I have an undergraduate degree and a postgraduate degree, I fear that I might not do anything useful with my life. I have come to realise that life is unpredictable. due to the current recession, people are losing their jobs by the minute. I have been searching for a job for sometime now but without success. I am currently studying for another postgraduate degree and hoping that with luck I will succeed in my job hunting. But one thing is for sure, I will grab any opportunity that comes my way as it might not come my way again. The most important thing is to believe in myself because I know I have the potential to succeed in life. I believe that I will definitely have a successful career and business. It is just a matter of time. Meanwhile, I have a shift as early as 7am so I need to get some sleep. Tara