Sunday 22 February 2009

After Valentine

I hope you all had an enjoyable valentine. I didn't have fun because I had to work that day. My fiance is in Nigeria while I am in Scotland so you can imagine how dry mine was. Some days before the valentine, I saw men buying giant bouquet of flowers and gifts for their lovers and I wondered what would happen if they didn't buy anything for them. I am not against valentine but I believe that valentine's day shouldn't only be about showering gifts on your lovers. It should also be about showing love to the less privileged, the sick, the lonely and the aged. These people also need our love and they should not be neglected. People put a lot of pressure on their lovers in the name of valentine especially women but it does not need to be that way. There are also so many other ways to spend valentine other than buying gifts. But we should always remember that some people do not have people to show love them or people to spend some time with. So, we should always remember to help people and show love to people irrespective of who they are. I am also guilty of this as I am always busy and seem not to have time to help people in need or visit the sick in the hospital. It is very important for us to create time for other people and not only for ourselves for the Lord says, 'Love your neighbours as yourselves'. Tara!